Back pain & spinal diseases

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Statistically, between 27 and 40% of the population are currently suffering from back pain. Roughly 70% experience back pain at least once a year, and about 80% complain at least once during their lifetime about back pain. Lumbar spine complaints are most common, thoracic spine pain, least. Most patients who consult an orthopedic do so because they’re suffering from back pain.

Common causes for back pain are:

  • blockages (lumbago, sciatica, pseudoradicular syndrome)
  • disc prolapse/herniation and disc protrusion
  • spinal stenosis, spondylolisthesis
  • degeneration, e.g., osteochondrosis
  • infections or rheumatic causes, e.g. morbus Scheuermann, morbus Bechterew
  • tumorous, e.g., metastases
  • psychosomatic


After taking a detailed medical case history, we usually perform a radiological examination and, if indicated a CT-/CT/MRI scan (especially for neurological symptoms).

Therapeutic measures include pain medication, physiotherapy, chirotherapy, Fango, Acupuncture, Acu-Taping, elastic therapeutic taping (kinesio taping), osteopathy, infiltration, behavioral therapy, relaxation techniques (Jacobson progressive muscle relaxation, yoga), depending on the cause of the back pain.

If all conservative measures fail or in cases with neurological symptoms, neurosurgery may be indicated.

The best prophylaxis against back pain consists of a healthy lifestyle without excessive back strain, normal weight, and physical activities that strengthen the back, e.g. Pilates.

We are happy to provide advice and support.

Do you have a question or would you like to make an appointment?

Call 030-259 254 44

Practice hours:
Monday - Thursday 8am - 7pm
Friday 8am - 2pm
(with appointment)

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